Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Refashion disaster

Okay, maybe the word disaster is a bit harsh, but my first refashion definately didn't turn out as I had hoped, and I am acting like a two year old because I am not going to finish it. My idea was to turn these mens ties into ties for my boys.

I am working on, and have almost finished making my own boys tie pattern. I thought I would use that pattern as my template and that is whern I ran into my first problem because my tie pattern isn't made the same as these were, so I didn't have enough fabric to line the tie with. I thought about what to do for days, and it finally came to me as I was thinking in bed before falling asleep. A lot of the solutions to my sewing problems come to me this way. Glad to have that out of the way, I went on to make the tie.

Cutting the tie was harder than expected. Cutting silk is not like cutting cotton. But I didn't worry about it, and just thought I would be careful sewing it together and not worry too much about the lines not being cut exactly straight. That is where I messed up. Because I didn't cut the pattern out straight, I didn't sew it straight, so it's curved on one side. Not exactly a good look for a tie. So, here is my half done tie. My tie pattern is really two pieces.

Trying to look at the bright side, at least I only ruined one tie. I've still got another one I can try to refashion.


Jewels said...

You can hardly tell from the picture. At least you've learned from this one. I'm sure you'll have more amazing refashions to come!

Stephanie said...

Nice try! Chalk that one up to a lesson learned and move on. I bet your other one will turn out good.