Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I've been in kind of a rut the last two days. I know that sewing will usually put me in a better mood (at least temporarily) but I also know I shouldn't work on anything right now that requires a lot of thinking. I've had some towels and ribbon sitting around for a while, and thought that hooded bath towels are pretty low on the thinking radar, and I have been meaning to make one for my friend's daughter now for months. I guess now's a good a time as any to make one.

My friends husband, and his entire family, are huge USC fans, though I don't quite get the hype. No one in his family even went to that least go to the school. Regardless, because he's such a huge is she.

When I saw this USC ribbon, I immediately thought of them. So, I made their daughter a hooded bath towel using this ribbon. I hope Parker (and her dad) enjoy the bath towel.
I used this super easy pattern for the towels.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I hope Marty loves his new towel. I mean Parkers new towel. Maybe you should make you for Marty. An adult size hooded bath towel. I'd love one!