Thursday, October 1, 2009

Strike two

I'm actually grateful I struck out on this refashion attempt. I attempted to refashion this tank top I found on clearance at Target into a girls summer dress, similar to this one. What I didn't realize was that the bust was gathered, so it looked funny after I took in the side seams and cut off the straps and the top of the bodice. So, no, I'm not going to finish this one either. What's the point, really? It wears funny, so I would never give it to anyone. Besides, I learned a lesson so it wasn't entirely in vain. The reason I'm grateful I struck out on this one was because I would rather have struck out on a clearance tank at Target, than the one I originally had in mind that cost me $18.

I didn't take an after picture, but here's the before. It had so much potential.

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